So a while back back I stated if I could obtain a look it would resemble Taylor Swift and trust me I wish I could she is stunning but in my knuckleheadedness (if that's a word LOL!) What I meant to say was Carrie Underwood and I think its because she always looks good yet very simple and I think its an easily obtainable look. I'm sure I or most of us couldn't or wouldn't look like a celebrity we would want to look like but I think its a good place and way to start.
We get alone we get all excited we gather up our wears and start our transformations. We have our outfits picked out we switch clothing around until we get the look or feel we are happy with then we go and pull out the make up we put on our moisturizer (yeah always moisturize before applying make up it works , looks and last so much better and actually helps with the clean up) we start putting on foundation we pick out what shadow to do our eyes we apply and wipe and reapply until we feel we look fierce!! then we go to blush and lip gloss oh skipped the all important concealer never forget that must cover our five o'clock shadows and imperfections!!! and WA-LA were done and looking like? maybe fab maybe drab but what about trying this..........
Since were men and probably for most I know for me its true our mothers never taught us about make-up and probably again our wives/girlfriend's or just girl friends don't even know you dress ( if that doesn't pertain to you god bless and please share with us who and how they showed you!!)
So I think the next time I get dressed I'm going to google pictures of Carrie Underwood (pick whom ever you would like to resemble) I'm going to pick the best and simplest picture of her face make it screen size and just try to mimic the picture as best as I can referring to it for pointers IE. how much liner did she use was it on full eye or just bottom was it two shades blended? What color shadow , was it bold or suttle? did she define her cheek bones with blush or just gently color cheeks?
I will let you know how this works I couldn't believe it wouldn't help it always good to 1) have an idea or vision of what look you want to go for 2) have a reference to the look to guide you and 3) really its your time enjoy it and have fun.. I will follow this posting up with pictures of me in make-up and then the picture of Carrie and her look and then of me after trying to obtain that look. And would welcome any and all feed back!!!
I would love to know who you celebrity look-a-like would be and really would enjoy seeing some pictures of the look and how it worked for you.
Plus if its always good to get feed back from non bias and support people so don't be shy and I won't either