Thursday, January 12, 2012

The worlds favorite "new" term Diversity!! HA!! LOL!!!

So working for large companies in my life to shopping at stores and even sports and the Internet I can not escape the loosely used term "diversity" lets first look at its technical meaning :


[dih-vur-si-tee, dahy-] Show IPA
noun, plural -ties.
the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.
variety; multiformity.
a point of difference.
now lets look at what a picture will tell us about this word :
Its a rainbow known as a symbol for the gay,lesbian,TRANS community

People of different races as one

A group of people but no better a diverse group of people from age to race to ?

There's posters saying "Dare to be Different" Stand-out" etc. there's even a commercial on T.V. that has people dressed in space suits and even cross dressed doing everyday things and their message is about being you!

Well in this great world of diversity and being you then why can't we be us?!

I don't know maybe I misunderstood maybe it means if we have a work force of Caucasians,African Americans,catholics,and Muslims we need to hire Spanish people or were not "diversified"

Maybe it means nothing at all and that's how I feel would you want to be the only one of your race or religion at your work place only because you were that race or religion?

But with all this "diversity" why is it OK for Dustin Hoffman to play "tootsie" and win awards for suck a great film why was bossom buddies such a hit that they made a remake?

Why can macho guys like Patrick Swazey play a drag queen in to wong fu? and how can Dennis Rodman walk around in a wedding dress ? Even better Chaz Bono can be on a show and get married and loved and adored by all and oh what a tough life he must of had WHY? WHY? well because there rich and famous? but aren't they or shouldn't they also be role models?

so then why can we not pull up our hosiery primp up our hair and faces and slip on our heels with out being chastised?

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