Friday, March 15, 2013

helpful and funny video on walking in heels

So its been a while since i posted. I will try to be more on top of it plus its spring and I have so many things to share to help you with your journeys.

But let start with how to walk in heels now I know I can walk in some pretty fierce stiletto's better then most of my women Friends can walk in even kitten heels but there is always things to remember and to learn in life and as we all know knowledge is power and practice makes perfect!!! so check out this video it is kinda funny but really does nail not only the basics but really good tips to look more fem and help in situations we will run into (running! Stairs!) oh and pay close attention to the hip sway so good to learn definitely should practice that as often as possible so it becomes like second nature when the heels go on the hip starts to naturally sway.

Hope You Enjoy.

P.S. I found some good belly , butt exercise videos I'll post this weekend!!!!  - HOW TO WALK IN HEELS